The Go Green program is an environmentally friendly program that supports the Celebrity overall sustainability focus, allowing guests to opt-in for reduced Housekeeping cleaning services and minimize our overall environmental footprint by: |
o Reducing water consumption
o Reducing energy consumption
o Reducing chemicals consumption
The Go Green program will allow guests to have a choice of Housekeeping services, providing a great contribution to the environment, without compromising the cleaning and sanitation level of their stateroom.
The Celebrity cleaning and sanitation standards will remain very stringent and at the highest level, mitigating any potential virus transmission based on insights from our Healthy Sail Panel experts and our internal Public Health and Medical experts. |
o Current Housekeeping service consists of twice full daily cleaning and sanitization services; morning and evening.
o The Go Green program provides a full daily cleaning and sanitation service. The night touch service will provide a turndown of down of the bed, adjustment to room ambience, removal of garbage, and organization of guest items --making the stateroom and the bathroom neat with a personalized touch. With Go Green, the guest will specify a preferred time for their housekeeping services.
If you’d like to opt in, please complete the form below. |